Find a recognised alternative medicine treatment

Basic health insurance reimburses the services of the following five disciplines, as long as they are provided by a doctor whose training in this discipline is recognised by the Federation of Swiss Physicians (FMH): acupuncture, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine, herbal medicine and Chinese medicine.
If you wish to be covered for other alternative medicine treatments and want the freedom to seek treatment from a therapist, you will need supplemental insurance.

Find out if your treatment is covered

Complete our online form to have your coverage assessed and find out whether your alternative medicine treatment is covered.



Supplemental insurance enables you to be reimbursed for your alternative medicine treatments as well.

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Frequently asked questions

The compulsory insurance (AOS/OKP) covers a maximum of nine physiotherapy sessions per medical prescription. The first session must take place within five weeks following the medical prescription. A new medical prescription is required if the number of sessions is extended.

The compulsory insurance (AOS/OKP) covers a maximum of nine occupational therapy sessions per medical prescription. The first session must take place within eight weeks following the medical prescription. A new medical prescription is required if the number of sessions is extended.

The compulsory insurance (AOS/OKP) covers a maximum of six nutritional advice sessions per medical prescription. If additional sessions are required, the prescription can be renewed.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111