Incapacity for work

Answers to the most frequently asked questions on incapacity for work.

Incapacity for work

Your incapacity for work should be reported immediately to your line manager or to your human resources department.

By telephone and through a doctor's certificate or ‘medical certificate’ issued by your doctor. The human resources department or the relevant person will then send it on to us as quickly as possible.

Every month, you should give your employer a doctor's certificate signed by your doctor attesting to the degree of incapacity. To facilitate matters, the insurer has produced a special form for long-term incapacities, and this form is available on request. Your doctor should fill in the form at each consultation. You should then give your employer a copy of the form. At the end of the incapacity for work, you should send you employer the original form without delay.

When you are incapacitated for work, you should:

  • inform your employer immediately
  • follow the medical recommendations of your doctor
  • supply the information requested by the insurer
  • take part in the investigation in progress (request for documents, medical consultation, administrative procedures)
  • inform the insurer of any change in your circumstances
  • do your utmost to limit the length of the incapacity for work

If you wish to go abroad, your doctor must certify that such a trip is not medically contraindicated. It is important to give us this certificate at least ten days before your departure. This way, we can determine your entitlement to allowances during your trip.

If your incapacity occurs during a trip abroad, we would urge you to inform your employer as soon as possible.

If an insured person is incapable of working following illness or an accident, the employer's contribution and the insured person's contribution cease to be payable after a lapse of time or waiting period set in the confirmation of affiliation.

For periods of incapacity for work, and proportional to the degree of disability, pension assets continue to be credited (borne by the fund), on the basis of the last insured salary.

Exemption from payment of contributions serves to avoid penalising the insured person for being incapacitated for work. The fund bears the full cost of the employer and employee contributions and credits them to the account of the insured person. Exemption from payment of contributions begins after the waiting period set in the occupational pension plan and as indicated on the pension certificate. It is generally a three-month period.

The right to exemption from payment of the contributions expires when:

  • the insured person recovers their capacity for work
  • the Disability Insurance (AI/V) refuses the right to benefits or cancels the right to pensions
  • the incapacity for work is of a degree less than 40%
  • the insured person dies
  • the insured person reaches full retirement age (64 for women and 65 for men)

If the incapacity for work occurred before the end of the work relationship with the employer, the insured person remains covered for disability and death so long as the incapacity lasts.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111