Answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning retirement.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning retirement.
Early retirement can be taken from the age of 58. The conversion rate depends on age and reduces in the event of early retirement. The earlier retirement is taken, the lower the accumulated retirement capital and the lower the age-related conversion rate.
If you want to continue working, continued cover is possible until the age of 70. Continued cover and deferred retirement beyond normal retirement age (64 for women, 65 for men) are possible on request, providing the employee continues to work without interruption and his/her employer authorises continued cover. Beyond the age of 65, only the savings-related contribution needs to be paid, with the risk-related contribution no longer required.
Each dependent child under the age of 18 (25 in the case of apprenticeship or ongoing education) gives the pension-holder entitlement to a child's annuity. It is generally equivalent to 20% of the pension annuity paid.