Our organisation

Company structure

The Board decides on the company’s position and strategy. It supervises all of the Group’s companies.

It is supported in its work by three specialised committees: the Audit and Risk Committee, the Strategic Projects and Innovation Committee, and the Remuneration and Appointments Committee. The committees act for Groupe Mutuel and its subsidiaries and inform the Board of their activities on a regular basis.

Karin Perraudin
Karin PerraudinPresident
  • Member of the Strategic Projects and Innovation Committee
  • Guest of the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Guest of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
  • Master’s degree in Business (HEC)
Roland Marcel Eberle
Roland Marcel EberleVice-president
  • Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
  • Agricultural Engineer
  • Member of the Council of States from 2011 to 2019
  • Board Director for various companies
Fabio Naselli Feo
Fabio Naselli FeoSecretary
  • Member of the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Member of the Strategic Projects and Innovation Committee
  • Entrepreneur
  • Board Director for various companies
Marc-André Ballestraz
Marc-André BallestrazMember
  • Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
  • Member of the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Master’s degree in Commercial and Industrial Sciences / Certified chartered accountant
  • President of the accounting firm Fidag SA
Jean-Blaise Conne
Jean-Blaise ConneMember
  • President of the Audit and Risk Committee
  • Certified chartered accountant
  • Board Director for various companies
Charles Relecom
Charles RelecomMember
  • Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
  • Member of the Strategic Projects and Innovation Committee
  • Master’s degree in Actuarial Sciences
  • Master’s degree in Mathematics
  • Board Director for various companies
Petra Feigl-Fässler
Petra Feigl-FässlerMember
  • Member of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee
  • Member of the Executive Board and Head of Human Resources at Migros Industrie
  • Master’s degree in Economic Sciences (University of St. Gallen)
Jürg E. Tschanz
Jürg E. TschanzMember
  • President of the Strategic Projects and Innovation Committee
  • MBA in Finance and Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneur, Co-founder and President of planitswiss

Specialised committees of the Board

The Audit and Risk Committee, chaired by Mr Jean-Blaise Conne, comprises two other members of the Board. Its main tasks are to ensure the integrity of financial information, compliance with legislation, internal regulations and guidelines, and the supervision of the internal control system and audit processes. It organises and assesses the performance, certification and independence of internal and external auditors.

The Strategic Projects and Innovation Committee, chaired by Mr Jürg E. Tschanz, comprises three other members of the Board. It defines and proposes the strategy for digital transformation, innovation and the use of new technologies. In carrying out this task, it sets objectives that take into account the technological, political and market environment, as well as the medium- and long-term development priorities. The committee also examines the strategy of partnerships or acquisitions and makes proposals and recommendations to the Board. Lastly, it monitors the progress of measures relating to the implementation of the digital transformation and innovation strategy.

The Remuneration and Appointments Committee, chaired by Mr Marc-André Ballestraz, comprises three other members of the Board. It submits proposals to the Board regarding the remuneration of Board and Executive Board members. It is also responsible for the appointment and replacement of Board and Executive Board members. It sets the individual objectives of the Executive Board and assesses them. Lastly, it reviews the remuneration system on a regular basis..

The operational management of Groupe Mutuel is under the responsibility of the Executive Board.

Thomas Boyer
Thomas BoyerChief Executive Officer
  • Master’s degree in Business (HEC)
Vincent Claivaz
Vincent ClaivazMember of the Executive Board
  • Graduate degree in Catering and Tourism
  • Master’s degree in Hospital Management
Sophie Revaz
Sophie RevazMember of the Executive Board
  • Master's degree in Law / Lawyer
  • CAS Banking, Finance and Insurance Law
  • CAS Compliance Officer
  • Executive MBA HEC Paris
François Murer
François MurerMember of the Executive Board
  • Bachelor in Economics
  • Master’s in Actuarial Science
Cédric Scheiben
Cédric ScheibenMember of the Executive Board
  • Executive Master of Business Administration FH
  • Executive MBA in Insurance and Financial Services HSG
Pierre-Luc Marilley
Pierre-Luc MarilleyMember of the Executive Board
  • Master in Economics
Thomas J. Grichting
Thomas J. GrichtingMember of the Executive Board - Secretary-General
  • Doctor of Law / Lawyer
Philippe Buthey
Philippe ButheyMember of the Executive Board
  • Diploma in Computer Science ES

The Board is the strategic management body of Groupe Mutuel. It is composed of a maximum of nine members, elected for two years.

The Executive Board is responsible for the operational management of Groupe Mutuel.

Since 2018, Groupe Mutuel has become a holding company, overseen by its Foundation.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111