I am getting divorced

Announcement and insurance-related steps

Getting a divorce requires a number of adjustments at the administrative, legal, financial and material levels. By quickly carrying out the steps to make your divorce official, you will avoid any administrative problems related to your new circumstances.

A fresh start

A family separation, whether or not made official by a legal decision, must be announced to us in writing. If you have any official documents (e.g. separation agreement or divorce judgment), please include copies along with any other information requested in the notification form.

Insurance-related steps

Different types of insurance will be impacted by your new family circumstances and your contracts will need to be adjusted. To make sure you do not forget anything and take all the necessary steps, you may download our checklist.

Health and accident insurance

  • You must notify your health and accident insurer of any changes in your personal situation (separation, divorce, death, ...) to continue to be insured.
  • You must conclude new policies for your children, regroup the former contracts under your name if you have been granted custody, or unbundle the contracts using the application form for family unbundling.

Life insurance, individual savings (3rd pillar)

  • The assets under the third pillar must be shared in accordance with the rules of the matrimonial regime (community or separate property, or participation in acquests). If the spouses were married under the separate property regime, the 3rd pillar will not be shared.

Personal liability, household contents, legal protection insurance

  • Report rapidly any changes in your personal situation in order to adjust the policies or take out new ones.

Contact us using the form

Occupational benefits in accordance with LPP/BVG (2nd pillar)

  • Each spouse is required to transfer to his/her partner half of the LPP/BVG occupational benefits accumulated during the marriage up to the day the divorce proceedings begin.
  • Contact our Customer Services using the Occupational benefits notification form

State pension coverage under the 1st pillar: AVS/AHV-AI/IV

  • In the event of divorce, each spouse is entitled to half of the income on which the couple paid contributions during the marriage.
  • Ask for your assets to be split (“splitting”) immediately to avoid delays and mistakes in calculating your pensions.
  • Contact your employer’s compensation fund or your cantonal fund office.



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Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111