Merger of
health insurers

Groupe Mutuel is simplifying its structure

Groupe Mutuel Holding SA, the owner of several health insurance companies, is simplifying its structure. On 1 January 2025, SUPRA-1846 SA will merge with Mutuel Assurance Maladie SA and Easy Sana Assurance Maladie SA will merge with Avenir Assurance Maladie SA.

As a result, the number of Groupe Mutuel health insurers offering basic insurance and optional daily allowance insurance (LAMal/KVG), will be reduced from the current six to four from 2025.


Current Groupe Mutuel member health insurance companies 

Groupe Mutuel member health insurance companies from 1 January 2025

Why are these mergers taking place?

  • To strengthen the solvency of health insurance companies: given the constant rise in health costs, it has become necessary to strengthen the financial solidity of insurers.
  • To simplify the structure of Groupe Mutuel: a larger size as well as a greater number of policyholders per insurance company offer a number of advantages, particularly in terms of administration.
  • To avoid excessive premium increases for 2025: given the negative cost trends in recent years, without the mergers the SUPRA and Easy Sana health insurers would have had to increase their premiums significantly for 2025.

What are the consequences of these two mergers?

The contracts of persons and companies insured with SUPRA and Easy Sana will automatically be taken over by Mutuel and Avenir health insurers from 1 January 2025.

These internal mergers will have no impact on the insurance coverage or the services available to Groupe Mutuel customers.

Changes to electronic payments for customers of SUPRA and Easy Sana health insurers

If you pay your premiums by direct debit (LSV): please download the new direct debit authorisation form below, send it to your bank and return the completed form to us by email, via the Customer Area or by post.

Questions/answers for SUPRA and Easy Sana customers

No, your supplemental insurance for health and/or patrimony will not be affected by the merger. However, its management will be taken over by your new insurer, and you will find it included in your 2025 insurance policy.

  • The aim of this merger is to ensure that your basic insurance premiums do not increase excessively in 2025, given the negative trend in health costs experienced by your current insurer in recent years.
  • Without this merger, SUPRA and Easy Sana would have had to increase their premiums significantly next year to improve their financial situation and ensure that their policyholders’ medical care was covered.
  • Supplemental insurance premiums will not be affected by the merger.

The merger will have no impact on the coverage of your medical care. Your current coverage will be taken over without any change to the terms and conditions of insurance.

Yes, your insurance card issued by SUPRA / Easy Sana will be cancelled and replaced by a card issued by your new insurer. It will be sent to you in December 2024. If you require medical treatment before receiving the new card, please show your new 2025 insurance certificate to your doctor or pharmacy.

If you have access to our Customer Area, you will also find your new card there in digital format.

No, because thanks to the use of magnetic data, the validity of your SUPRA / Easy Sana insurance card has been automatically extended to 31 December 2024. You will therefore receive a card from your new insurer in December 2024.

The merger has no impact on whether or not you are entitled to a subsidy. This decision depends solely on your cantonal authorities, according to their criteria and your personal situation (financial and family-related).

In any case, we recommend that you notify your canton of your change of insurer, so that it can continue to pay any subsidies to which you may be entitled.

Yes, we recommend that you notify them of your change of insurer. What's more, in the case of a chronic illness or treatment, you must inform our telemedicine partner at the beginning of each year.

Yes. Your new insurer will take over the full management of your current contract, including the status of your premium and cost-sharing account.

You may terminate your compulsory health insurance as soon as your new insurer has notified you of your new 2025 premium (by the end of October 2024 at the latest), by giving us one month’s notice. We must receive your notice of termination by post, via the Customer Area or by email by Friday 29 November 2024 at the latest.

In this case, the usual termination conditions must be met:

  • we must receive an insurance certificate from your new health insurer before 31 December 2024
  • you must have paid in full any premiums and cost-sharing amounts due to SUPRA / Easy Sana

Your supplemental insurance for Health and/or Patrimony is not affected by the merger. Its termination depends on the general terms and conditions and the related special terms and conditions of insurance.

No, as long as you have not paid all the amounts due, you will have to remain insured with your new insurer, who will take over the status of your premium and cost-sharing account.

Yes, of course. By complying with the terms and conditions of termination, you can remain insured with another Groupe Mutuel insurer. All you need to do is send us a written request (by post, by email or via your Customer Area).

No, you don't need to take any action with regard to your Customer Area. Your contract details will be updated automatically. You can continue to use it as you do today, and it will contain the data and documents issued to this day.

Yes, since SUPRA / Easy Sana is ceasing its activities, your LAMal/KVG daily allowance coverage will be taken over by your new insurer.

Specific questions/answers for SUPRA customers

Unfortunately not. Only SUPRA health insurance offered this discount. No other Groupe Mutuel health insurer currently offers this discount.

Specific questions/answers for companies (employer)

No, there will be no impact on invoices sent directly to your employees. Only the insurer mentioned on our invoices will change.

No, there will be no impact on invoices and the payment of your employees’ premiums. Only the insurer mentioned on our invoices will change.

Yes. Your new insurer will take over the full management of your current contract, including the status of your premium and cost-sharing invoices.

No, you will keep the same contract number.

This merger will have no impact on our organisation or administrative processes. Your usual contact persons will remain available to assist you.

No action is expected from your employees. Their insurance coverage will continue to be managed as before.

Yes, as insured persons, your employees will receive information on the key points of the merger, along with their new 2025 insurance certificates, which will be issued in October 2024.

Do you have any questions?

The above FAQ includes the most frequently asked questions/answers about this merger. For any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using our online form or our call-back service.

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Legal structure of Groupe Mutuel

Discover the current legal structure of Groupe Mutuel, organised as a holding company since 2018.

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Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111