Pension fund management

Technical, administrative and accounting management of pension funds


Managing a pension fund is a challenge that requires a wide range of specialist knowledge, particularly in the legal, financial, actuarial and communication fields. The advice and support of our specialists is therefore essential to allow you to concentrate fully on your role as a manager or member of a Pension Board. Our specialists have proven skills in administrative and accounting management, all of which is provided within a human-sized and innovative structure.

You are?

  • A pension fund, a collective foundation or a joint foundation, under private or public law
  • A company or group of companies with its own pension fund
  • A pension fund with a “defined-contribution plan” or a “defined-benefits plan”
  • A pension fund in liquidation
  • A pension fund for pensioners

Our services

Technical management of active insured persons and pensioners

  • Manage the technical aspects of active insured persons and pensioners
  • Manage the savings accounts of active insured persons
  • Perform simulations

Pension fund administration

  • Coordinate and monitor the various external bodies
  • Organise, convene and lead meetings of the Pension Board and any committees (investment, property, etc.)
  • Meet with insured persons to answer any questions
  • Record the minutes
  • Implement, update and maintain an internal control system (ICS)

Management and secretarial services

  • Provide the necessary data and documents to the auditors, the reinsurer, the pension expert and the supervisory authority

Financial and securities accounting

  • Manage general and securities accounts
  • Manage current accounts
  • Prepare financial statements (annual accounts and notes) in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 26
  • Draw up the balance sheet according to IFRS (IAS19), US GAAP and IPSAS

Customised training

  • Tailor our training programme to your specific needs and to your pension fund
  • Provide you with trainers who are recognised and dedicated professionals such as pension fund experts, actuaries, investment consultants, lawyers, pension fund managers, human resources specialists, tax specialists and accountants
  • Provide course materials tailored to the specific training, with practical examples

Advice for insured persons

  • Inform the insureds of their benefits (pension certificates) and of any regulatory changes
  • Summarise the institution's activities on an annual basis
  • Organise training for your staff
  • Take part in and communicate on plan changes and other issues
  • Participate in information sessions

Support to the Pension Board and implementation of its decisions

  • Digitisation
  • View benefits at any time
  • Provide the possibility to carry out simulations
  • Enable secure sharing of information
  • Allow data to be updated by the insured person or for a group
  • Generate lists of data

Our strengths

and quality services

A single point of contact for each of our clients

High performance
management software

Automatic and secure information exchange process Possibility for your insured employees to carry out simulations

A long experience
in pension fund management

A team of specialised managers with many years of experience

Your advantages

Close contact
with our consultants

Awareness of your issues and challenges Flexibility and availability of a human-sized team

Highly qualified

A multi-disciplinary team to solve complex cases.

A solution
tailored to your needs

Transparent overall or individualised management of occupational benefits

Request an offer

Contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation meeting with one of our occupational pension specialists.

Contact us
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111