Order a certificate of insurance

When you join a new sports club or move to a new neighbourhood, you're sometimes asked to provide proof or a certificate of insurance. Submit a request and we will send you your document as soon as possible.

Order your document online

Our online form allows you to request a certificate of insurance or a copy of an invoice with just one click.


Frequently asked questions

Please send us your request online. We will send you the certificate as soon as possible.  If your request is urgent, please call our Customer Services on 0848 803 111. This document can be drawn up in the three national languages and in English.
If you are travelling to Russia, you need to take out Mundo supplemental insurance, unless you have similar coverage with another insurance company.

You may send us your request via the contact form. We will send you the document as soon as possible.
You may also access your documents, such as your insurance certificate and policy, at any time through our GMnet platform or the GMapp mobile application.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111