I am going to live abroad

Adjust or terminate your insurance

When you leave Switzerland and take up residence abroad, several criteria need to be taken into consideration to determine whether you can keep your health insurance in Switzerland or not.

General procedures

To announce your departure abroad, you must send us a letter including:

  • your personal details (first name, name, customer No. or AVS/AHV No.)
  • a certificate from your place of residence in Switzerland confirming the date of departure and the new destination.

You are leaving Switzerland for a country outside the EU/EFTA
Under Swiss law, in the event of departure to a country outside the EU/EFTA, basic health insurance is terminated depending on the date of departure abroad and according to the certificate issued by the residents' registration office.

You are leaving Switzerland for a country in the EU/EFTA
Some information is necessary for us to determine whether your departure releases you from the obligation to be insured in Switzerland.

If you need help, you can download our practical guide on the insurance-related measures to be taken when leaving Switzerland permanently to live abroad.

Notify us of your departure abroad

Please complete the form in full so that we can respond in the best possible way.

Access the form

Find out about our insurance products related to living abroad

Health insurance for expatriates

Health insurance for expatriates

  • Depending on the level of coverage chosen, the insurance covers my current or emergency medical expenses, hospitalisation in a one or two-bed room, maternity expenses or dental care.
  • When I leave Switzerland, I can sign up to coverage equivalent to the one I have with Groupe Mutuel without having to fill in a new medical questionnaire.
  • When I return to Switzerland, I can reinstate the coverage I originally purchased without any additional medical examination.
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  • I am covered for personal liability insurance.
  • I am protected against the financial consequences of injury or material damage caused to a third party.
  • I can choose between two coverage levels: “basic” and “plus”. These levels can be supplemented by four options.
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  • I am covered all the year round in case of illness or accident abroad.
  • My expenses are covered up to a total of CHF 100,000 per year.
  • I am covered for illness and accident benefits.
  • There is no age limit for this insurance.
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Ask for advice

Do you have any questions about our different insurance solutions?
Our insurance advisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111