Visitor medical insurance

Insurance for your guests during their stay in Switzerland

A friend from abroad sustains an injury or becomes ill during a stay in Switzerland: is he/she covered for medical expenses? Visitor medical insurance covers the costs of illness and accident suffered by your guests in case of an emergency during their stay in Switzerland for the time they require.


  • I choose the insured amount: CHF 10,000, CHF 20,000 or CHF 50,000*.
  • * Family coverage is possible for this amount only.

  • With an insured amount of CHF 50,000, the insurance qualifies for the Schengen visa for certain foreign visitors.
  • I choos​​​​​​​e the length of coverage: 4 to 185 days.
  • In the event of a claim, my deductible is CHF 200.
  • I can take up this insurance without a medical examination.
  • This insurance is open to persons up to 80 years of age.
  • A 20% group discount is offered for groups of 10 or more persons.
    “Groupe Mutuel offers “Visitor medical insurance” in partnership with Allianz Global Assistance. The risk bearing insurer is AWP P&C S.A., Saint-Ouen (Paris), Wallisellen branch (Switzerland). “

Main benefits

  • Medical treatments (including medication)
  • Hospitalisation
  • Treatments administered at home
  • Rental of medical equipment
  • Transport to the nearest hospital
  • Search and rescue costs (max. 10% of the insured amount)
  • Repatriation in the country of residence if prescribed medically
  • Repatriation of the body in case of death
  • Protection: my guests receive optimal benefits for a premium that varies according to the insured amount and length of stay.
  • Peace of mind: my guests fully enjoy their stay in Switzerland.
  • Usefulness:  with an insured amount of CHF 50,000, my guests fulfil the requirements for a possible visa application.

To sign up to the insurance

You can subscribe to the visitor medical insurance directly online.

Access the form
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111