I need to notify the death of a relative

Steps to take as regards your insurance

You have recently lost a relative. Please accept our condolences.

You now need to settle all the insurance matters, i.e. notify the death in order to

  • terminate the insurance and suspend the premiums;
  • request the payment of pensions and capital payments to any beneficiaries.

How do I notify a death?

Please notify the death in writing, indicating the following:

  • information on the deceased person: first name, name, customer number or AVS/AHV number;
  • date of death: please send a copy of the death certificate, by post or by email.

You may also notify the death online, using the form at the bottom of the page.

What information do I need to send?

1. Indicate the deceased person’s Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (AVS/AHV) number.

2. List the insurance policies for which the deceased was a policyholder or covered by, indicating the policy numbers:

  • basic health insurance
  • supplemental health insurance
  • daily allowance insurance
  • life insurance
  • personal liability insurance, household contents’ insurance, legal protection insurance
  • occupational benefits insurance (pension fund)

3. Please complete the Request form - Notifying a death.

4. Indicate the bank or postal details for the payment of any benefits to beneficiaries.

5. Attach the requested documents:

  • Updated family record book
  • Death certificate
  • Official list of heirs
  • Apprenticeship contract or school certificate for orphans over 18
  • In the event of divorce, a copy of the judgment

If you need help, you can download our practical guide on the insurance-related measures to be taken in the event of the death of a relative.

Notify a death online

Please fill in the form and send us the relevant documents so that we may process your request.

Access the form
Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111