Palliative care
Medical and nursing techniques intended for people in the final stage of life and administered at home by appropriately qualified staff working under the authority of an institution recognised by the insurer.
Point value
The tariff (tariff agreement) includes all medical acts which may be invoiced to the insurers, expressed in "points", according to the degree of difficulty of the act. The point value, always expressed in Swiss francs and multiplied by the number of points, helps to determine the level of fees payable to the doctor, the physiotherapist, the chiropractor, etc.
Premium reductions (subsidies)
Financial support for premium payments granted by cantons to low-income insureds. The allocation criteria (minimum income, % covered, etc.) are set by each canton.
The amount invoiced by insurers to cover health costs. Social health insurance is a «pay as you go» system. However, this means that the premiums for any given year have to cover the health costs for the same year (Art. 12 and 16 LSAMal/KVAG).
Private ward
The comfort of a single room. Free choice of doctor.
Amounts set aside to cover health care benefits which have already been delivered but not yet invoiced and/or reimbursed. Provisions generally cover three months’ benefits: they are used to reimburse the claims relating of the last quarter of a year which the insurer receives in the first quarter of the following year.