Ask a question about my refunds

Do you have any questions regarding the reimbursement of your healthcare bills? We will be happy to answer them.

Ask your question online

Our online form allows you to contact Groupe Mutuel to ask any question with just one click.


Frequently asked questions

Part of the costs of your medical treatments are payable by yourself. Your contribution to costs includes the following items:

  • the annual deductible;
  • a 10 % (20% for some brand-name medicines) share of the costs exceeding the deductible (subject to a maximum of CHF 700/year for adults and CHF 350/year for children); and
  • a contribution of CHF 15/day when staying in hospital.

Yes. Invoices you send us simultaneously are handled by different services within our Benefits Department. Invoices do not all follow the same route and are not dealt with by the same person. Therefore, they may be refunded on different dates.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111