Find a recognised therapist for my psychotherapy

From 1 July 2022, psychotherapy sessions provided by independent psychotherapists or psychologists, as well as by organisations of recognised psychotherapists and psychologists, will be covered by the compulsory health insurance (AOS/OKP). Benefits will be covered by the appropriate supplemental insurance policy if the compulsory health insurance does not cover the costs.

Find out whether your psychotherapy is covered

Complete our online form to have your coverage assessed and find out whether your psychotherapy sessions are covered.

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Supplemental insurance enables you to be reimbursed for your alternative medicine treatments as well.

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Frequently asked questions

Compulsory health insurance (AOS/OKP) covers:

  • Psychiatric treatment by a psychiatrist
  • Until 31.12.2022: Delegated psychotherapy by a psychologist under the responsibility of a psychiatrist who issues the invoice
  • From 01.07.2022: Sessions provided by independent psychotherapists or psychologists, as well as by organisations of psychotherapists or psychologists, who have a cantonal licence to practice under the AOS/OKP.

You can find out more about the cost of psychotherapy treatments on our page dedicated to therapies.

Some supplemental insurance plans cover:

  • Psychotherapy carried out by an independent psychotherapist or psychologist, as well as by organisations of psychotherapists or psychologists, who are not authorised to practice under the AOS/OKP but are recognised by Groupe Mutuel.

Contact us to request a review of the extent of your coverage.

As soon as your doctor has been recognised as a general practitioner or specialist, you can go directly to him/her, unless you are covered by an alternative insurance model that provides for different coverage, as per the terms and conditions of insurance.

Groupe Mutuel

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111